Top 20 NuGet dependency-injection Packages

Easy to apply dependency injection with aspect-oriented programming style
Library for locating types that match a set of rules. Useful for DI containers.
NServiceLocator implementation for Ninject. NOTE: this implementation is in NO WAY endorsed or supported by the Ninject team - it is a wrapper by a different author.
The reference is out of date. Please update to the latest packages available in the The custom Mef Bootstrapper that compatible with WPF, WinForms and Console applications. Wisely support from .Net 4.5 to .Net 4.7 and from .Net Standard 1.6 to .Net Standard 2.0.
The Mef (Dependence injection) for Mvc5 and Mvc6.
An Unobtrusive Multitenancy helper for (new or existing) Asp.Net Core project The goal of this project is to add the multitenancy functionality to an ASP.NET Core application (existing or new) without modification (or very little) of code. It's support multitenant DI ,sandbox services, etc...
A tiny package for an abstract base to inject a chain of responsibility into a DI-container
Common Instance Factory provides an abstraction over dependency injection and IoC containers using the abstract factory design pattern. Created as an alternative to the Common Service Locator that does not use the service location anti-pattern and provides support for releasing instances.
Common Instance Factory provides an abstraction over dependency injection and IoC containers using the abstract factory design pattern. Created as an alternative to the Common Service Locator that does not use the service location anti-pattern and provides support for releasing instances.
IInject is a DI (Dependency Injection) framework that is very light weight, fast, and easy to use.
Cormo module that sets up a ready-to-go OWIN web-api project fully-configured with Contexts and Dependency Injection and other Cormo goodness, with zero fuss and zero-config
Integration library for Entity Framework for the Nerve Framework
An extension to the LightInject service container that enables automatic implementation of factory interfaces.
Common Instance Factory provides an abstraction over dependency injection and IoC containers using the abstract factory design pattern. Created as an alternative to the Common Service Locator that does not use the service location anti-pattern and provides support for releasing instances.