Top 20 NuGet dependency-injection Packages

Business application library - get rid of a lot of boilerplate code.
Provides an integration that enables LightInject to be used as the IoC container in the Nancy web framework.
Yaaf.DependencyInjection.Ninject is a implementation of Yaaf.DependencyInjection for Ninject.
Yaaf.DependencyInjection.SimpleInjector is a implementation of Yaaf.DependencyInjection for SimpleInjector.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for aurelia dependency injection
Composer is an extensible Compositional Architecture framework, providing a set of functionality such as Inversion of Control container (IoC), Dependency Injection (DI), Plug-in framework, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP), Configurability and Composability for components.
Easy and simple attribute based dependency injection registration.
Extensions to configure Greentube.Messaging via Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
A SpecFlow plugin that provides a generic way to implement a custom DI container
Automatic type discovery and mapping for C# projects
This Library is a Dependency Injection Container for Constructor Injection.
DependencyInjection Auto Registration extends the :icrosoft Extensions IServiceCollection and provides a fluent syntax to configure rules for automatic type registration. Using few lines of code you can scan specified assemblies and register all types that satisfy your rules. Rules for determining ...
This library defines a pattern for abstracting dependency injection tools.
The package adds interception to the default dependency injection container based on Castle DynamicProxy.
Easy to understand but powerful container.
Adds mocking capabilities to the LightInject service container.