Top 20 NuGet console Packages

Writeing to console for JavaScript developers
GetPass is a free, open source, cross-platform library to read passwords in console applications masking the input. It simply focus on getting the job done, with zero-dependencies and few lines of code.
A Text-based widget framework for console applications.
NuciCLI Menu management system
NuciCLI core
EasyConsole is a library to make it easier for developers to build a simple text based menu interfaces for .NET console applications
It will allow to log your details in console window
It will allow to log your details in console window
A tree structure drawers for console applications.
Simple, versatile, universal abstractions for the console, and bringing performance improvements to the table by minimizing as many console calls as possible.
A console wrapper that can run your custom programs in console and allows you to respond to user commands from console application through events. The application also supports console sounds (beeps), customizing colors, keeping history and other interesting stuff.
The ConsoleControl API provides common functionality used in the ConsoleControl and ConsoleControl.WPF libraries.
ANSI escape codes and true color formatting for .NET's console.
A small library to create function lists in the .NET console.
A library to make the creation of .Net Command Line Application as simple as possible. Let this library take care of the wiring so you can focus on building your application.
Package Description
Commands is a .NET Standard 2.0 attribute based command framework. > The project is still in early development ## Features * Command Aliases * Command Summaries * Parameter Parsing * params keyword support * Parsers are extensible to custom types * ICommandContext that stores information about rel...