Top 20 NuGet console Packages

Extends the default System.Console with color support, new methods and better functionality.
Console utilities
Beautiful Console Table , highly customizable , helps in visualizing data in c# console application.
Library to Log text to console
A slightly-opinionated `dotnet new` template for a component classlib which also runs from the commandline. The opinions are that logging, configuration and testing are good things, but should each be opt-in and should then work out of the box. Usage: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...
Help for building and running console tools. Includes a menu system and have support for drawing tables with scrolling and selecting rows.
A test console application
.net core tool
.net core tool
Simple library managing console output
Library to log text to console
Console-based text editor tool for .NET Core CLI.
Console-based text editor.
1. ConsoleDemo.DemoRunner.Run(); - add inside Main(). 2. Mark any public method with [Run(...)] attribute (sort of new entrypoint). 3. Start the app.
Helps with console stuff
This library is intended for deserializing command-line parameters to an object.
Ascii displays any image in console, with full colors. Increase number of console columns for better resolution.
Template API