Top 20 NuGet console Packages

A library that strives to provide universal terminal colours.
ConsoleEssentials is a lightweight utility which handles most of the tedious tasks when making a console application.
C# .NET extended Console class supporting ANSI output.
Console menus are easy to build, complex menus are supported, and using them is simple and quick.
.NET Template for a console application with commands
TUI (Text User Interface) compatible with netstandard2.0 Uses only Console class.
Package Description
comman line parser
EasyConsole is a library to make it easier for developers to build a simple menu interface for a .NET console application. This is a fork that supports netstandard2.0 and async.
C# Standard Library used to make console games in C#
Windows specific helpers requiring the full .NetFramework
Fluent Api for building CLI apps.
A library helping .NET developers to build console applications in Docker.
Package Description
Convert excel files into sql scripts
Lazy Console Utility -> Just pass in a type with methods and let it run!