Top 20 NuGet console Packages

This is a nuget package for the very nice Easy Console created by splttingatms and then ported to ,NetStandard by reddy6ue. It makes it very easy to create a menu.
Displays JSON files in a flat format.
Package Description
Shared models for SS.CliMenu, allowing to use strongly typed class in your menus.
A helper library for SadConsole games built with GoRogue.
Console logger for Phlogopite library — structured logging for .NET with low memory footprint. Commonly used types: Phlogopite.ConsoleLogger Phlogopite.ConsoleLoggerBuilder
A simple library for setting console colors when writing in a stack-based manner
Template for creating a console app using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
A multithreaded logging system which allows colored console output on windows via ANSI color code interpretation. Also includes helpful widgets for console UIs like; progress bars, spinners, countdowns, & type restricted user prompts.
Copies text from the Windows clipboard to console output and from console input to the Windows clipboard using UTF-8 encoding. Works well with PowerShell Core or console programs that explicitly output UTF-8 text.
A parsing class to greatly simplify working with command line arguments in loosely coupled and generic way for a .Net application (e.g. console, client, or even web application).
This simple library provides easy interaction with a console application, with a simple menu mechanisim that can be controlled with arrow keys for .NET Core applications.
My Console Color
A replacement Console API with superior usability.
A better ReadLine utilitity, a fork of ReadLine by Toni Solarin-Sodara
Job console for Hangfire
Prysm is a CLI beutification tool that provides simple and easy manipulation of console colors. This tool formats escape characters, which provides 256 color support to most windows command lines.