Top 20 NuGet Packages

@DummyImage.GetHtml() inserts dummy immage, like It works at local, more responsible than
A very simple Wiki to integrate in existing Asp.Net MVC4-Sites, using for a simple OnePage-Project-Documentation
A very simple Area for Administration of SimpleMembership-Provider for Asp.Net MVC4-Sites
Project references for Entityspaces ORM Architecture v2012.1.0930.0 You will need to download Entityspaces Studio in order to generate your data layer. For further info, see the project site or
Use this package with ASP .NET in order to authenticate your users with Singly. By default singly access_token will be placed in the session with this name "singly_accesstoken". But since this NuGet package is just source code you can modify that and store it somewhere else (like a cookie if using S...
A totally unsupported way to quickly add ASP.NET MVC 3 support to your WebForms Application. Works on my machine.
A node.js and standalone mono-based web server powered test harness for ASP.NET MVC. Write your tests in JavaScript or CoffeeScript and use the best of both worlds
A library to auto-generate JavaScript proxy objects from WebAPI and MVC controllers.
Legacy version of AjaxControlToolkit which is not published on its official NuGet package page
The library contains multiple controller types implementing different throttling strategies: Linear throttling - limits the number of calls by enforcing specified delay between consequent requests; Short Average - limits the number of calls by specified number of requests per configured duration;...
This is a navigation management system that comes set up for attribute based navigation. Navigation sets are grouped by developer-defined contexts and can be added to or retrieved almost anywhere using the MvcNav extensions. Includes a basic navigation partial view and a readme to get you started. P...
A package to add intellisense to ProxyApi
A simple xml helper to convert from xml to dynamic expandoObject
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to integrate with ASP.NET WebApi.
AJAX AutoComplete library based on Anthem
Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET WebForms sites using .NET Framework 3.5
MiniProfiler35 integration for ADO.NET
Web framework for embedded ASP.NET modules/handlers
ASP.NET reader/parser of the HTTP multipart/form-data content sent from Windows Runtime via MultipartFormDataContent class.
ASP.NET MVC helpers for embedding static maps with the Google Static Maps API V2.