Top 20 NuGet Packages

Profiler panel.
This is an example of a nuspec file
Facebook C# SDK is an implementation of official PHP SDK and its methods in C#
Useful tools for ASP.NET MVC applications. For example, support for jQuery plugin
A nuget pacakge for setting up Thorax.js in an MVC project.
Asp.Mvc customizable form authentication.
Provides WinNtMembershipProvider to enable ASP.NET based web applications to authenticate against local Windows user accounts.
A build task to create a wrapper for the Profile in Web Application Projects.
Automatically supports profiling all methods called on interfaces resolved from an Autofac IoC container.
NHibernate drivers to support integration with MiniProfiler.
Create modules for using a base class that helps you subscribe to application events easier than before and in a unit testable manner.
This module allows you to always respond HTTP404 at any requests except special users. The behavior of this module looks like "App_Offline.htm" but controled by appSettings section in web.config, and provide login form appeared only "back door URL" access.
A few light weight classes for ASP.Net MVC web applications
For the default, .NET have the SqlRoleProvide which only works on Sql Server with the predesigned database schema. This is not a flexible way. .net MVC4, a new class "SimpleRoleProvider" which can work on most database and enable user to define their database chema. Unfortunately, this class can't b...
This library allows you to describe user names and passwords into appSettings section! This library benefit for ASP.NET Web apps on Windows Azure Websites or AppHarbor, provide very easy way to light weight account administration. / ユーザー名とパスワードを appSettings 構成に記述できます! このライブラリは Windows Azure We...
This adds a script that will create a zipped version of a specific web configuration from a PackageWeb archive. This is useful to build a single package that can be deployed to multiple environments. **Running the script requires PowerShell Community Extensions** All of this is based on the excelle...
***PLEASE INSTALL SUPPORTING APPLICATION*** You must install DevBox app to support ErrorClicker: DevBox's ErrroClicker Makes clickabe links to jump straight to offending code in Visual Studio from ASP.NET exceptions.
Add X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff to HTTP header.
Provides easy implementation for Basic HTTP authentication in an ASP.NET Web API project.
Utilitario para aplicações MVC