Top 20 NuGet Packages

Asp.Net MVC4 Grid
Starter kit for building a SPA with ASP.NET MVC, TypeScript, Knockout, Durandal, and Breeze. To use start by creating an empty MVC4 application and then apply this nuget package using: Install-Package SPAcify
TeleportR is a high level API that facilates data exchange from JavaScript to an ASP.NET server-side application.
Way to manage parameters after hash(#) and access query string in single page web applications.
This Nuget Package will help in providing html helper in ASP.NET MVC4 to create a basic DataGrid with Paging. This Package need AngularJS and BootStrap & font-awesome css.
Web.Maps.VE is the first ASP.NET Ajax Bing Maps Server Control. Allowing you to integrate Bing Maps mapping functionality into your ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
This package can be used to keep track of the version of a database.
A few useful classes
Makes Asp.Net CheckBox and CheckboxList look like buttons, also work for none Asp.Net checkboxes look like buttons similar to Bootstrap JavaScript and allows the button to show checkbox or radio button to the right now
A Small Utility for testing web applications with different/multiple users.
Lightweight mini-profiler, in particular designed for ASP.NET MVC sites (then ported to support .NET 3.5 Webforms sites)
A convention based route discovery library for the .NET platform
Helper library used to easily manage select lists in ASP.NET MVC. Supports caching, ordering, filtering, empty first line, choosing text and value and various optimalizations. Works with any data access method that uses POCOs.
Adds models and data layer to an MVC Web Project
After install this ASP.NET HTTP module, the web application (even if PHP) receive the modified user agent string that is legacy "MSIE 11.0" style when accessing from IE11 or higher. / この ASP.NET HTTP モジュールをインストールすると、IE11 ないしはそれ以降のバージョンからのアクセス時、その Web アプリ(PHPであっても)は旧来の "MSIE 11.0" 形式に...
Converts HTML to a thumbnail
Enables implementing themes for ASP.NET MVC
Sendy.Net is a .Net library that can be used to interact with the Sendy API. Subscribe, Unsubscribe, access subscriber status, lists, create and list campaigns. It has been built to interact with version 1.1.6 of the Sendy API.
Sample Package by NuGet