Top 20 NuGet Packages

My package description.
iDeal.NET provides an API to easily communicate with your iDeal provider and integrate iDeal payments into your .NET (web)applications.
Store user profiles and roles in MongoDB storage. And allow easy access to use thems from MemberShipProvider, ProfileProvider, RoleProvider in ASP.NET Project on github:
A .NET 4.5 library which adds an extension for the MicroLite ORM Framework to integrate with ASP.NET MVC.
My package description.
The easiest AJAX library for ASP.NET. Use Render method on any ISelfRenderedControl-derived control and get ready-to-show HTML.
This library supports functional programming using F# on ASP.NET.
This package will allow an application to quickly minify all the inline css and javascript from the page. This package will also bundle css and javascript, means it will combine all the inline css and javascript, and then emit the combined javascript just before body closing tag and and the combined...
CaptchaMvc will implement your web MVC applications easier and more reliable protection. Features: You can easily change or extend the current implementation of the captcha. By default there are two types of captcha, plain and mathematical. Supports MVC 3, MVC 4, MVC 5. Supports for storing captcha...
Core functionality for all AttributeRouting packages.
Couchbase Elmah Error Log.
"Drag And Drop Image Upload" by Ajax / Drag and Drop API / FormData API, with sample.
Package description
Easy to use, lightweight CMS for ASP.NET MVC 3, MVC 4 and MVC 5 with Razor view engine and C# based on html markup. Can be installed as on new created MVC 3, MVC 4 and MVC 5 project as on already existing. Managing zones are marked using html5 "data-" attributes.
Capistrano-like deployment for .net
This project allows you to provide any web application with views, stylsheets and scripts embedded in an assembly by using the virtual file system of ASP.NET.
REST-service component is a server-side framework that allows easy creation and working with HTTP and REST services within any ASP.NET application, including capability to work with backend server-side .NET code via REST or HTTP services from client-side javascript or other types of client code. Onc...
Define routes using regular expressions
Sets up MiniProfiler along with a URL you can call to enable/disable the MiniProfiler for your session. Also automatically starts/stops the profiler, and automatically registers the necessary script references. Focus on webforms.