Top 20 NuGet Packages

Xamarin controls extended to add more features and making it more usable. Entry, Label, etc. are part of the library. Label can have excluded areas defined to get a newspaper effect.
Even more customizable ExtendedEntry class for Xamarin.Forms
Extended Model Binder for MVC framework that lets you plugin multiple model binders and property binders for the model you use in the application.
This library provides comprehensive observable Collection/List/Dictionary. Interfaces (Icollection, IList, etc) are also implemented and trigger INotifyCollectionChanged. The library includes utility collections such as a ObservableListAdapter which can syncronize two lists of different, but related...
The Umbraco's RTE we love extended to allow char limit counter
A compilation of useful WPF visual tree helper methods.
This package provides the Xceed.Wpf.DataGrid namespace, a data grid control for the Windows Presentation Framework. This DataGrid was removed from the Extended.Wpf.Toolkit from version 3.5.0 onwards and therefore now is provided as an independent package that has been forked from the 3.4.0 release.
Fork of Extended.Wpf.Toolkit that provides some minor/obvious bug fixes. This package becomes obsolete, once the bugfix is included in the official repo/nuget.
Support for expandable collections in PropertyGrid of Extended.Wpf.Toolkit. Temporary until issue ( is solved.
A complex polynomial arithmetic class..
A symbolic, multivariate integer polynomial arithmetic library.
Provides a set of methods to make your life as a programmer easier when writing a Console application.
Console input methods that pervent user from inputting wrong data(ex. string into int).
Some utility
Библиотека общих типов
Better (but fake) enums.
Package Description
Package Description