Top 20 NuGet Packages

My package description.
A dot net extensions wrapper that helps mock in the tests.
Package Description
entensão para uso em qualquer projeto .Net Core
Schedule task in a procedure queue
Extension methods for mathematics operations (e.g. gcd, lcm), Combinatorics and PrimeFactorNumbers
An Extrension used to wrap around ms open xml
Some basic utility functions which I use in multiple of my projects
Enhances Wpf by a few user controls and MVVM support
This assembly allows C# compiler to support extension methods language feature in old runtime version 2.0. The only one reason to bring this project to life was the fact that there are many different projects reinventing the extension methods hack, which leads to conflicts on compilat...
A collection of extension methods that do a variety of different things.
Package Description
Provides a few handy extension methods targeting .NET Core 3.1.
Provides a few handy extension methods targeting .NET Core 3.1.