Top 20 NuGet Packages

Source Only .NET expression tree formatter. Like Expression.ToString() without the noise
A simple tool library for converting the Expression to sql where clause. Welcome to open issue in
A multi-platform expression parsing and evaluating framework.
A class library containing a collection of funny and/or usefull attributes to brighten up every developers code. Why use '//' when you can write [Magic] or [BossMadeMeDoIt]?
This is a source only distribution of the ExpressiveExpressionTrees library that can be embedded inside of other projects / libraries.
An interpreted programming language for Excel-like formulae in .NET
Tools to simplify coding with the .NET reflection APIs.
Tools to simplify coding with the .NET reflection APIs.
ExpressWalker provides a generic way to examine and change any object graph in fashion similar to "Visitor Pattern". You can build generic hierarchy composition (visitor) that can visit and change any object's property, basing on configuration. Relies on expression trees while visiting objects (uses...
Small & efficient C# POCO classes mapper. Features: - Objects mapping with null references handling - Nested objects mapping - Mapping collection types (array, list & IEnumerable), as well as the collection type properties - Custom mapping functions for selected properties
The C++ Mathematical Expression Toolkit Library (ExprTk) Extra Examples
dotnet expression translator
The CSharp rule engine ExRue