Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package Description
Package Description
Component to manage your JWKS. Auto generate and manage your JWK
Open source, contribute here:
C# bindings for Apple ExposureNotification Framework
Expression parsing and evaluation library
Express.js style web application framework for .NET
The static web server
Simple and effective C# Generic Repository pattern implementation for Entity Framework 6 models. Use of generics and async makes eliminates complexity without sacrificing features.
Package Description
The template of express.
A .NET AOP Tools
Package Description
A fluent interface to create Lambda functions and expression waiting for Microsoft Roslyn. The documentation can be found on No knowledge of IL and System.Linq.Expression is needed. And even Lambda can be called. Available items are: Function p...
A collection of useful extensions for expressions in .Net.
Library for partial application/combination of C# expressions.
This is a fork of the TFPExpressionParser that is included in the Free Pascal Compiler Project. I modified the excellent code of Michael Van Canneyt to compile in Oxygene. I made some modifications to simplify the library and make it more in line with the .NET guidelines. (e.g. TDateTime functions...
A small utility library that allows the rewriting of expression trees using methods as marker points for the rewriting process.