Top 20 NuGet Packages

My package description.
An unofficial binary package of "UniDic-CWJ, the analysis dictionary for the morphological analizer MeCab" (解析用現代書き言葉 UniDic), version 2.3.0. This package includes part 1 of 3 of the split dictionary file. It is used as a dependency to the main package Alissa.UniDic-CWJ.binary.
An unofficial binary package of "UniDic-CWJ, the analysis dictionary for the morphological analizer MeCab" (解析用現代書き言葉 UniDic), version 2.3.0. This package includes part 2 of 3 of the split dictionary file. It is used as a dependency to the main package Alissa.UniDic-CWJ.binary.
An unofficial binary package of "UniDic-CWJ, the analysis dictionary for the morphological analizer MeCab" (解析用現代書き言葉 UniDic), version 2.3.0. This package includes part 3 of 3 of the split dictionary file. It is used as a dependency to the main package Alissa.UniDic-CWJ.binary.
Context dependent dependency injection mapper.
Dependency-free support for Gulp.js, Grunt.js, Node.js, and NPM
Simple and fast dependency injection container.
Simple dependency injection container that allows do injection through constructor and property
A file that includes extension methods for setting up dependency injection with MEF2
This package contains a dependency resolver to use if you are working with WebApi and want to make use of Dependency Injection.
Utility classes to make registration across multiple projects easier.
Tiny (500 lines) dependency injection library that will build your object graphs based on code configuration similar to Spring.Net's code configuration policy. Many traditional DI-containers are pretty big and solve too many problems. Containers may be easy to use, but they are complex and not every...
Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS 1. Install DependencyResolver to PCL project, that contains platform depended interface TService. 2. Install DependencyResolver to Android/iOS projects. 3. Add DependencyAttribute to platform specific implementation of TServi...
Dependency injection implementation for azure function V2. Support for dependency injection will be added as part of the functions plarform but in the meanwhile this is a good approach.
Dependency injector for .NET applications.
c++ dependency injection container library based on constructor injection.
.NET Core 3.1 Dependency Injection framework
.NET Core 3.1 Dependency Injection framework Abstractions
Auto register for dependency injection