Top 20 NuGet Packages

My package description.
My package description.
My package description.
My package description.
Micro ORM, useful extension methods, utility classes, etc.
Support for Application Layer mechanisms such as aspect-oriented decorators (logging and unit-of-work) and services.
Extends Denim.Domain.Support with in-memory versions of unit-of-work and named query.
Extends Denim.Domain.Support with Nhibernate implementations of units-of-work and named queries.
Support for Domain Layer mechanisms such as entities, repositories, units-of-work, and domain events.
Extends Denim.Foundation.Support with mechanisms for StructureMap dependency injection.
Support for foundational mechanisms such as providers and hashcode builders.
Simple dependency injection container. For source code and examples, visit: Any feedback is highly appreciated: [email protected]
The library for quick access to some members of .NET-assembly.
Just a test.
Useless project to test NuGet packaging and pushing.
Database mapper that simplifies all kind of database communication. Currently just supports PostgreSQL.