Top 20 NuGet Packages

Lightweight Library in .NET Standard for Dependency Injection
Generic factory with runtime dependency resolution for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
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Simple but powerful thread safe dependecy injection container. Easy interface for REgister, Retrieve and Release instances in standar or singleton mode.
auto registe service
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Package Description
Package Description
A base library that I use to provide dependency resolution for console or MVC sites. Uses StructureMap.
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for console apps. Uses StructureMap.
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for MVC4 sites. Uses StructureMap.
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for MVC4 sites. Uses StructureMap.
DependencySharp allows you to embed unmanaged COM libraries within your managed library (as a byte array), and at runtime check if the unmanaged library exists in a specified location. If it doesn't, the library is automatically written to the specified location. These "self-contained" libraries ar...
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