Top 20 NuGet Packages

File repository helper classes for SQL Server. Allows files to be uploaded and downloaded as streams.
The Web.Mvc assembly, containing types for web communication, like building RESTful APIs.
Strata Application Framework 0.8.2
Strata Foundation Framework 0.10.0
Strata Ninject Framework 0.10.0
SVN Framework
SVN Framework
SVN Framework
Essentially a dumbed down version of Serilog. Currently only does file logging
A library generated from a Swagger doc
Swashbuckle - Swagger Generator for AspNet Core 1.0
An app framework for SyncSoft Inc.
An app framework for SyncSoft Inc.
A service bus extension of CQRS framework for SyncSoft.
An ecommerce framework for SyncSoft Inc.
Stream pipeline adapters implementation
TemplateFilemanager is based on the EntityFrameworkTemplateFileManager which supports code generation in different solutions and folders with CustomTool-/BuildAction-Definitions. Please report bugs or feature requests on github:
Visual Studio Automation Helper for T4, that enables access to the EnvDTE and FSO. Please report bugs or feature requests on github:
A C# wrapper for the Take CRM
Simple authorization strategy to be used with any number of BLiP Bot's authorization keys. Info on how to use here: