Top 20 NuGet Packages

ServiceStack.LocalRequest Class Library
SharkEx Physics Engine for WPF Apps
This is a simple txt logger based on Mirosoft.Extensions.Logging.
Log4net appender for Sentry
General abstractions for use within Shawarma.
ASP.NET Core Middleware for handling requests from Shawarma regarding application state.
My package description.
Official API client for
Modelos de las clases utilizadas por SimanG8 WebAPI
SkiaSharp.Views.Interop.UWP is the SkiaSharp.Views.Interop.UWP dll in the SkiaSharp.Views package (for .NET).
A basic client for SkyGrid.
Xamarin bindings for Socket Mobile Capture SDK, enables barcode scanning and RFID reading by using Socket Mobile wireless readers.
Software Pioniere Fx Event Store Domain Services
Framework base para los servicios de Sooft Technology
Specification pattern using LINQKit for expression composition.
Collection of simple pieces of reusable code designed such that dependencies aren't forced upon consumers of its packages. Package is shipped as source code.
Common interface for any king of metrics logging.
Set of helper classes, such as logger, exception, helpful extensions.