Top 20 NuGet Packages

This is a SDK plugin in Windows Store App Universal(Win10)
Class library that allows formatting SQL strings through generics. Currently supports the MySql dialect.
Contains Yum proprietry Common core libraries. No permission or License for usage by non Yum personell with out priory authority.
درگاه پرداخت زرین پال Zarinpal payment gateway
The project which contains some fluent functions. It brings convenience to your project.
Use FluentValidation rules to define validation requirements for NSwag Swagger/OpenAPI schema.
Domain-Type runtime for FSharp Projects
Afx.Base AOP IOC MAP Utils
A modern .NET Standard library for Amazon Kinesis.
HMACSHA1 and HMACSHA256 implementation for PCL .NET 4.0, Silverlight5, Windows Phone 8.0, Windows Store Apps.
Package Description
Data access abstractions for operating a multicloud service.
.NET Standard client library for integrating with the ChargeBee service.
Cireson Platform SDK.
Client library to access the "Search And Compare" api
Console logger that logs in a Aws cloudwatch friendly format.
An adapter to implement CommonServiceLocator on top of Castle Windsor
Crud classic maybe for test