Top 20 NuGet Packages

A wrapper for Rabbit MQ client
Geo location and placename utilities
This package adds integration to ASP.NET MVC Core
Provides real-time view of Ranorex test results. The output is viewable using Bonsaih real-time display.
A .Net library for composing reactive collections providing monadic types to support LINQ.
ReCloud Class Library
RestSharpHelper Small library helper for RestSharp including rate limit, oauth1 support, helper for async download, usage of JSON.Net as json serializer and some helper method
Implement EventStore ussing MSSQL and EntityFramework
Extensions for the HttpClient class. Provides a builder for writing an api client.
The communications library used in the RoboRoboRally project.
Package Description
This is an entity framework core manager which uses base repository pattern for models, caching of result and transaction base architecture
C# RTSP Client for .NET - Supported transport protocols: TCP/HTTP/UDP - Supported media codecs: H.264/MJPEG/AAC/G711A/G711U/PCM/G726 - No external dependencies, pure C# code - Asynchronous nature with cancellation tokens support - Designed to be fast and scaleable - Low GC pressure during receive s...
SAP Data SQLAnywhere for .NET v3.5 and v4.5 (looking for v16 Install: iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere.v4.5)
Swagger Generated C# Client for SCORM Cloud API v2
This is a custom library used by Scott Lovegrove in his Windows Phone apps.
Simplify SendGrid SMTP / REST v2 API Client for C# / .NET Standard
This is a temporary .NET Core port of FluentMigrator for Serenity applications. It will only be used until an official version is out.
A Serilog sink that writes events to the NewRelic APM application. Note that use of Serilog.Sinks.NewRelicLogs is now a preferred way of sending log data directly to NewRelic APIs