Top 20 NuGet Packages

Abstract Gatekeeper class to give desktop apps trial period and activation features. Supply your own key validation backend and UI
Model classes and constants used with AO.CloudLicensing.Client
Model classes and constants used with AO.CloudLicensing.Client
A few attributes and interfaces I use for SQL DDL generation and model class development
It is a very fast DI container!!!!
HttpRequest extension method for verifying PayPal transactions, usable in Azure Functions and .NET Core apps
The aoite core suite.
The aoite ethereum module.
Aspect Oriented library for .net
Castle.DynamicProxy based library that provides a way to implement INotifyPropertyChanged automatically using AOP style.
Castle.DynamicProxy based library that provides a way to create application settings using AOP style.
Experimental implementation of library like AutoMapper powered by Roslyn code generation.
A flexible IocC Container supports .Net Framework and .Net Core 2.0 Fast and Support IServiceProvider integration
Websocket Message Broker supports .Net Framework and .Net Core 2.0
A flexible IocC Container supports .Net Framework and .Net Core 2.0 Fast and Support IServiceProvider integration