Top 20 NuGet Packages

Various helper classes to make life a bit easier
* On-demand loading of list * Paged list * Can use page up / page down shortcut when navigating the list * Can type on textbox anytime even when the dropdown list is displayed * Can use mouse scroll on the popup list * Uses AngularJS 1.3 ng-model-options debounce functionality to prevent fast typist...
AnimateCss [ngAnimate] is simple Angular Directive, which you can easily use AnimateCss in your Pages
Automatically route your API calls to static JSON files, for hiccup free front–end development.
Angular.Breeze.StorageWIP provides an API to export all client data from Breeze to local storage, and import it back into Breeze retaning all metadata, state and object relations. It also supports an API for saving Work in Progress (WIP) to local storage. Works great with HotTowel.Angular
Angular File Upload is a module for the AngularJS framework. Supports drag-n-drop upload, upload progress, validation filters and a file upload queue. It supports native HTML5 uploads, but degrades to a legacy iframe upload method for older browsers. Works with any server side platform which support...
This service lets you integrate google analytics tracker in your AngularJS applications easily.
A simple ASP.NET MVC bundle that helps you combine all of your angular html templates into one file and add to your app's template cache.
AngularMotion is an animation starter-kit built for AngularJS 1.2.0+
An HTML 5 audio player service and player controls directive for AngularJS
A simple utility to serialize and bundle angular templates into javascript
Cleaner class-based controllers for AngularJS
Angular-Hint, runtime hinting for AngularJS applications!
AngularJS common utility functions and token-based authentication service
Angular service provide access to browser cookies for setting, removing and reading
AngularJS directives for Bootstrap
AngularJS Filters is a collection of useful filters for angularjs. The included filters are "default:defaultValue", "firstNotNull", "lastNotNull", "max", "min".
This is a simple service module that allows you to localize your AngularJS applications.