Top 20 NuGet Packages module for Angulartics. See Angular.Analytics.Core for more details [NuGet packaging by ADAPTByDesign]
Splunk module for Angulartics. See Angular.Analytics.Core for more details [NuGet packaging by ADAPTByDesign]
Attached property for making animated progress bars using Xamarin Forms
Create Custom Animated Page Transitions for Xamarin Forms, forked from XForms.Plugin.AnimationNavigationPage
.NET API for the Animmex streaming website.
.NET wrapper for Anitomy, a library for parsing anime video filenames.
The tcp implementation of the Anjril Studio network layer.
The udp implementation of the Anjril Studio network layer.
Event-driven http library powered by Reactive Extensions. High scalability nodejs-like architecture.
Allows profiling of Autofac component resolutions.
A blob lock written in ASP.NET and C# to use in multi-instance applications on Azure. A blob lock needs a connection string to the storage account, a container name and a name for the blob file.
This is a client library for the Doxservr ( API. This library can be used to connect to the Doxservr API and to call API methods in the Doxservr API.
Anonymous Upload Library for .NET
Anonymous token support for IdentityServer4
A ready to use FakeDbSet for faking Entity Framework code upgraded for EF 5 and .NET 4.5.
Prefabricated rules for common ASP.NET Core URL rewriting tasks
Commonly used utilities by Anshul Vishwakarma