Top 20 NuGet Packages

A set of convenience classes and extension methods to simplify Crash Reporting and Analytics using AppCenter
Provides default AppCore .NET command implementations.
Provides AppCore .NET abstractions for commands.
Authentication abstractions for AppCore .NET commands.
Provides default AppCore .NET persistence implementations.
Adds EntityFramework Core 3 support to AppCore .NET persistence.
Provides AppCore .NET assembly reflection extensions to the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection framework.
Provides integration of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection into AppCore .NET
Provides AppCore .NET abstractions for events.
Provides AppCore .NET Entity Framework Core 3 event queue.
Provides AppCore .NET MySql event queue.
Provides AppCore .NET SQL Server event queue.
Provides the AppCore .NET storage API for events.
Provides AppCore .NET abstractions for hosting.
Provides integration of Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting into AppCore .NET
Provides AppCore .NET abstractions for logging.
Provides integration of Microsoft.Extensions.Logging into AppCore .NET
Provides extensions for Type, TypeInfo and Assembly.
Provides default AppCore .NET validation implementations.