Linq to Graphs.
Version: | 1.0.1-preview |
Author(s): | Ibrahim ben Salah |
Last Update: | Monday, December 4, 2017 |
.NET Fiddle: | Create the first Fiddle |
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- Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB(>= 1.19.1 && < 2.0.0)
- Newtonsoft.Json(>= 10.0.0 && < 11.0.0)
- Microsoft.Azure.Graphs(>= 0.3.1)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions(>= 1.1.2)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives(>= 1.1.1)
- Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms(>= 1.1.0)
- Microsoft.Win32.Primitives(>= 4.3.0)
- System.AppContext(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Collections(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Collections.Concurrent(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Collections.NonGeneric(>= 4.3.0)
- System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Console(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Diagnostics.Debug(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Diagnostics.Tools(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Diagnostics.Tracing(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Globalization(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Globalization.Calendars(>= 4.3.0)
- System.IO(>= 4.3.0)
- System.IO.Compression(>= 4.3.0)
- System.IO.Compression.ZipFile(>= 4.3.0)
- System.IO.FileSystem(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Linq(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Linq.Expressions(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Net.Http(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Net.Primitives(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Net.Sockets(>= 4.3.0)
- System.ObjectModel(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Reflection(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Reflection.Primitives(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Resources.ResourceManager(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Runtime(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Runtime.Extensions(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Runtime.Handles(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Runtime.InteropServices(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Runtime.Numerics(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Text.Encoding(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Text.Encoding.Extensions(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Text.RegularExpressions(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Threading(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Threading.Tasks(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Threading.Timer(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Xml.ReaderWriter(>= 4.3.0)
- System.Xml.XDocument(>= 4.3.0)