Version: | |
Author(s): | JetBrains |
Last Update: | Friday, October 16, 2020 |
.NET Fiddle: | Create the first Fiddle |
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Install-Package JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.ReSharperHost
dotnet add package JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.ReSharperHost
paket add JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.ReSharperHost
JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.ReSharperHost Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)
- JetBrains.Platform.RdProtocol(>= 203.0.20201014.9384804 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.Psi.Features.src(>= 203.0.20201014.17222104 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.Psi.Features.Web.Core(>= 203.0.20201014.17222104 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.Psi.Features.UnitTesting(>= 203.0.20201014.17222104 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.External.DebuggerLibs(>= 203.0.20201014.17455804 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.CommandLineCore(>= 203.0.20201014.17455804 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.src.RiderTutorials(>= 203.0.20201014.17455804 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.Psi.Features.SolutionBuilder(>= 203.0.20201014.17222104 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.Psi.Features.XamlRenderer(>= 203.0.20201014.17222104 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.Platform.Interop.dotMemoryUnit.Interop.Ide(>= 203.0.20201014.9384804 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.Native.Windows.Core.x64.Debug(>= 203.0.20201014.9385704 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.Native.Windows.Core.x64.Release(>= 203.0.20201014.9385704 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.Native.Windows.Core.x86.Debug(>= 203.0.20201014.9385704 && < 203.1.0)
- JetBrains.ReSharperAutomationTools.Native.Windows.Core.x86.Release(>= 203.0.20201014.9385704 && < 203.1.0)
- Wave(>= 203.0.004 && <= 203.0.004)
- Autofac(>= 4.8.1 && <= 4.8.1)
- BouncyCastle(>= && <=
- ClrStack(>= 1.7.4 && <= 1.7.4)
- JetBrains.7zip(>= 1.20201002.7 && <= 1.20201002.7)
- JetBrains.Annotations(>= 2020.1.0 && <= 2020.1.0)
- JetBrains.DotNetCore.Runtime(>= 3.1.20201009.12 && <= 3.1.20201009.12)
- JetBrains.Lifetimes(>= 2020.3.0427 && <= 2020.3.0427)
- JetBrains.Lucene.Net.Stripped(>= 3.0.3 && <= 3.0.3)
- JetBrains.Microsoft.Diagnostics.Runtime(>= 1.1.20200914.35 && <= 1.1.20200914.35)
- JetBrains.Microsoft.TemplateEngine(>= 20191031.0.1 && <= 20191031.0.1)
- JetBrains.monodoc(>= 2020.7.8 && <= 2020.7.8)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Commands(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Common(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Configurations(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Credentials(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.DependencyResolver.Core(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Frameworks(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.LibraryModel(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.PackageManagement(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Packaging(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.ProjectModel(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Protocol(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Resolver(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.NuGet.Versioning(>= 5.8.20200921.47 && <= 5.8.20200921.47)
- JetBrains.RdFramework(>= 2020.3.0427 && <= 2020.3.0427)
- JetBrains.Roslyn.References.Repack(>= 42.42.20200303.91932 && <= 42.42.20200303.91932)
- JetBrains.SharpZipLib.Stripped(>= 0.87.20200522.23 && <= 0.87.20200522.23)
- JetBrains.System.Xaml(>= 0.0.7 && <= 0.0.7)
- JetBrains.Toolset.RefAsm.Net461.NetStandard(>= 2.0.20190130.182358 && <= 2.0.20190130.182358)
- JetBrains.WindowsDesktop.Mock(>= 0.0.17 && <= 0.0.17)
- JetBrains.WindowsDesktop.Mock.Runtime(>= 0.0.3 && <= 0.0.3)
- Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FlowAnalysis.Utilities(>= 2.9.5 && <= 2.9.5)
- Microsoft.DiaSymReader(>= 1.3.0 && <= 1.3.0)
- Microsoft.DiaSymReader.PortablePdb(>= 1.5.0 && <= 1.5.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel(>= 3.0.0 && <= 3.0.0)
- Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms(>= 1.0.1 && <= 1.0.1)
- Microsoft.NETCore.Targets(>= 1.0.1 && <= 1.0.1)
- Microsoft.Web.Xdt(>= 2.1.2 && <= 2.1.2)
- Microsoft.Win32.Registry(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- Mono.Cecil(>= 0.9.6 && <= 0.9.6)
- Newtonsoft.Json(>= 9.0.1 && <= 9.0.1)
- sharpcompress(>= 0.11.6 && <= 0.11.6)
- SQLitePCLRaw.core(>= 1.1.2 && <= 1.1.2)
- System.CodeDom(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Collections.Immutable(>= 1.5.0 && <= 1.5.0)
- System.Composition(>= 1.0.31 && <= 1.0.31)
- System.Composition.AttributedModel(>= 1.0.31 && <= 1.0.31)
- System.Composition.Convention(>= 1.0.31 && <= 1.0.31)
- System.Composition.Hosting(>= 1.0.31 && <= 1.0.31)
- System.Composition.Runtime(>= 1.0.31 && <= 1.0.31)
- System.Composition.TypedParts(>= 1.0.31 && <= 1.0.31)
- System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Diagnostics.EventLog(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Drawing.Common(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.IO.FileSystem.AccessControl(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Management(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Memory(>= 4.5.3 && <= 4.5.3)
- System.Reflection.Emit(>= 4.6.0 && <= 4.6.0)
- System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight(>= 4.6.0 && <= 4.6.0)
- System.Reflection.Metadata(>= 1.6.0 && <= 1.6.0)
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe(>= 4.5.2 && <= 4.5.2)
- System.Security.AccessControl(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Security.Permissions(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Security.Principal.Windows(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Text.Encoding.CodePages(>= 4.3.0 && <= 4.3.0)
- System.Threading.AccessControl(>= 4.7.0 && <= 4.7.0)
- System.Threading.Tasks.Extensions(>= 4.5.3 && <= 4.5.3)
- System.ValueTuple(>= 4.5.0 && <= 4.5.0)