EZCRUD NuGet Package

Provides a simple CRUD functionality to your entity models.

Example: var childUsers = new Users().SelectWhereOrderBy("Age <= 17");

How to implement:
- Add EZCRUD reference to your model library.
- Inherit Model_RecordBase for each model.
- Set EZCRUD's connection string ("DBAccess.DBSettings.ConnectionString = <your connection string>" in your Startup.cs

Now all of your models have CRUD functionality!

Available methods:
- <yourModel>.AddRecord(); // adds the current model instance as a new record in the database

- <yourModel>.UpdateRecord(); // updates the database table with the matching ID

- <yourModel>.DeleteRecord(); // deletes the database table with the matching ID

- <yourModel>.SelectAll(); // returns all records, of the current model type, from the database.
Equivalent to: SELECT * FROM <yourModelType>

- <yourModel>.SelectWhereOrderBy(optional sWhere/sOrderBy); // returns an arbitrary set of records that matches the provided where phrase
Equivalent to: SELECT * FROM <Table> WHERE <sWhere> ORDER BY <sOrderBy>

- <yourModel>.LoadRecord(id); // loads the record from the database table with the matching id and populates the
current model instance using the retreived data.

- <yourModel>.LoadRecordWhere(sWhere); // loads the record from the database table that meets the where phrase criteria and populates the current model instance using the retreived data.

Got any EZCRUD Question?


Version: 1.0.0
Author(s): EZCRUD
Last Update: Saturday, July 18, 2020
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EZCRUD

Install-Package EZCRUD
dotnet add package EZCRUD
paket add EZCRUD
EZCRUD Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)





