Top 20 NuGet crud Packages
You hate verbatim SQL queries with zero type safety for your code but you love the speed?
Dapper.FastCRUD is built around essential features of the C# 6 / VB that have finally raised the simplicity of raw SQL constructs to acceptable maintenance levels.
These features leave no chance t...
CRUD for Dapper
Helper project for Magic to wire up everything easily by simply adding one package, and invoking two simple methods. When using Magic, this is (probably) the only package you should actually add, since this package pulls in everything else you'll need automatically, and wires up everything sanely by...
Simple CRUD operations for Dapper.
Simple Get, GetList, GetListPaged, Insert, Update, Delete, DeleteList, and RecordCount extensions for Dapper. Uses smart defaults for attribute free classes but can be overridden as needed.
By default uses Id column as the primary key but this can be overridden with an attribute
By default qu...
WCF CRUD2CRUD (CRUDS) interface package.
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for MongoDb CRUD operations
Entity Framework Core classes for EasyData library.
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for exposing CRUD operations in aspnet core controllers
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for Entity Framework CRUD operations
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for adding Entity Framework contexts in an Elastic Pool
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for consuming domain events on service buses using MassTransit
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for exporting entities to csvs or spreadsheets using ClosedXML and CsvHelper
Firebend Auto Crud extension pack for tracking changes to entities and persisting them to Entity Framework.
ASP.NET Core classes for EasyData library.
WCF CRUD2CRUD (CRUDS) interface package.
SQL Server connection library for the ST/ORM (Startitecture.Orm) package.
Schema representation library for the ST/ORM (Startitecture.Orm) package.
Common library for the ST/ORM (Startitecture.Orm) package.
PostgreSql connection library for the ST/ORM (Startitecture.Orm) package.