Version: | 2.1.1 |
Author(s): | TheArchitectDev, Timovzl |
Last Update: | Tuesday, February 18, 2025 |
.NET Fiddle: | Online Example |
NuGet Url: | |
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Architect.Identities Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)
- Architect.AmbientContexts(>= 1.0.0)
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Abstractions(>= 2.2.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions(>= 3.1.0)
- Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions(>= 3.1.0)
Auto-increment IDs reveal sensitive information.
UUIDs (also known as GUIDs) are inefficient as primary keys in a database. Having two different IDs is cumbersome and counterintuitive. We can do better.
- For a 93-bit UUID replacement that is efficient as a primary key, use the DistributedId.
- For a 128-bit 128-bit UUID replacement with the advantages of the DistributedId and practically no rate limits or collisions, at the cost of more space, use the DistributedId128.
- To expose IDs externally in a sensitive environment where zero metadata must be leaked, transform them with PublicIdentities.
Release notes:
- Enhancement: Upgraded package versions.
- Semi-breaking: IPublicIdentityConverter now features additional methods, although the type is generally not user-implemented.
- Semi-breaking: HexadecimalIdEncoder's char-based parameters have been renamed from "bytes" to "chars".
- Added DistributedId128, a 128-bit (Guid/UInt128) DistributedId variant with practically no rate limits or collisions that also doubles as a version-7 UUID.
- Added encoding methods for UInt128.
- Added extension methods to transcode between UInt128 and Guid.
- Added public identity conversions for UInt128 and Guid.
- DistributedIdGeneratorScope and DistributedId128GeneratorScope now expose the CurrentGenerator property, which helps when implementing generators that need to piggyback on the encapsulated generator.
- BREAKING: Removed Fluid. Ambient scopes with startup configuration are now considered undesirable.
- BREAKING: Removed ApplicationInstanceId.
Ambient scopes with startup configuration are now considered undesirable.
- BREAKING: Removed ambient access to IPublicIdentityConverter. Ambient scopes with startup configuration are now considered undesirable.
- BREAKING: IdEncoder has been reworked into BinaryIdEncoder, AphanumericIdEncoder, and HexadecimalIdEncoder.
- BREAKING: ID decoding methods now throw if the input is too long. This is specially relevant for strings (such as query parameters) where 0123456789123456 and 0123456789123456aaaa should not produce the same ID.
- BREAKING: IPublicIdentityConverter now throws on big-endian architectures, instead of risking silent portability issues between architectures.
- BREAKING: Now using AmbientContexts 2.0.0.
- Semi-breaking: DistributedIds are now always 28 digits, to avoid a change from 27 to 28 digits in the future. Newly generated IDs will be significantly greater than before.
Avoid downgrading after upgrading.
- DistributedIds can now burst-generate ~128,000 IDs at once before the ~128 IDs per millisecond throttling kicks in. This makes throttling much less likely to be encountered.
- DistributedId now stays incremental even under clock adjustments of up to 1 second. (Note that the UTC clock remains unaffected by DST.)
- Hexadecimal ID encodings are now supported.
- IPublicIdentityConverter now comes with a TestPublicIdentityConverter implementation for unit tests.
- Added UnsupportedOSPlatform("browser") to PublicIdentities, due to continuing lack of AES support.
- Now using AmbientContexts 1.1.1, which fixes extremely rare bugs and improves performance.
- Now using AmbientContexts 1.1.0, for a performance improvement.