NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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CodeSmith.Core [1 dependencies]

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Elmah.EF [1 dependencies]

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DynamicTypeBuilder [1 dependencies]

Source code and documentation can be found here:
Invalid image

扩展工具 [1 dependencies]

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dexih.transforms.tests [1 dependencies]

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FengYun.NPoco.Data [1 dependencies]

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CQRSLite - Contract [1 dependencies]

NeatCQRSLite is simple CQRS (command query responsibility segregation) framework. This project is contract, contains basic interfaces and classes without implementation.
Autofac plugin to use with Mendham.Events
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XCore.Linq [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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ID3iHoliday.Countries [1 dependencies]

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Retyped.decompress [1 dependencies]

Decompress binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
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CanalSharp.Protocol [1 dependencies]

阿里巴巴mysql数据库binlog的增量订阅/消费组件 Canal 的 .NET 客户端
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GraphQL.FSharp [1 dependencies]

GraphQL.FSharp library.
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Shorthand.ImageSharp.WebP [1 dependencies]

Adds a WebP format for ImageSharp. Only for encoding images so far.
Package Description
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Plexdata.LogWriter.Stream [1 dependencies]

Plexdata.LogWriter.Stream implements the IStreamLogger interface that allows writing of logging messages into any type of stream sink. Main feature of this package is that it can be used platform independently.
RingCentral Engage Digital Csharp SourceSDK library
Provides analytics services to a Stormancer application.
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S3.Threading [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Motor.NET is a microservice framework based on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.