NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Flowgear SDK [1 dependencies]

SDK for creation of Nodes in Flowgear
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Yingqi.Utilities [1 dependencies]

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S4PDataBase [1 dependencies]

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Evolution.Repository [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Harfbuzz Redist [1 dependencies]

Redistributable components for package 'harfbuzz'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
The infrastucture for supporting scaffold generators installed as NuGet packages.
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Snowflake.Service [1 dependencies]

Robots.txt middleware with fluent interface.
The base library for integrating NancyFx for Cosmos.Logging.
Package Description
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Components.Metrics [1 dependencies]

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Minor.Nijn.Bloem.WebScale [1 dependencies]

WebScale wrapper arround Minor.Nijn framework.
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Xamarin.Android.Wowza [1 dependencies]

Wowza Xamarin Android Binding Library
A collection of extension methods that allow TheSadRogue.Primitives types to easily interface with SFML's equivalents.
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EasyAbp.EShop.Payments.Web [1 dependencies]

An abp application module group that provides basic e-shop service.
An abp application module that provides payment service.
Package Description
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D20Tek.Common.Net47 [1 dependencies]

A library of common classes, interfaces, and datatypes shared across various d20Tek libraries and services. Making it easier to share types when needed, even across web service boundaries.
Tenant: Common Module