NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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GroupControls [1 dependencies]

RadioButtonList and CheckBoxList for WinForms
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DuoVia.MpiVisor [1 dependencies]

Distributed Parallel Computing for .NET.
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ILNumerics.Native [1 dependencies]

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APMP.Core [1 dependencies]

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Avalonia.Android [1 dependencies]

Avalonia is a cross-platform UI framework for .NET providing a flexible styling system and supporting a wide range of Operating Systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS and with experimental support for Android, iOS and WebAssembly.
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Jabberwocky Log4Net Module [1 dependencies]

Jabberwocky Log4Net Autofac Module
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DotNetGraph [1 dependencies]

Create Graphviz DOT graph with dotnet
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Topshelf Leader [1 dependencies]

Extension methods to add leader election startup control to Topshelf.
Big Bad Wolf is a download manager to keep applications deployed by Bad Wolf Installer up to date.
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Pintle.Dictionary.Core [1 dependencies]

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Mobile.Common.NetStandard [1 dependencies]

Common components, helpers and architectural bases classes
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XTreeListView [1 dependencies]

A treelistview WPF.
Package Description
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Cogito.Text.Json.Schema [1 dependencies]

Various utilities for working with JSON schema. Contains a very fast validator.
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Bastion.Profile.Api [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Xye.Bsf.Minify [1 dependencies]

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EscapeRoute.Abstractions [1 dependencies]

Abstractions for the package EscapeRoute
The definitive rapid application development framework for building Android and Apple mobile applications using Xamarin.
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Dynastech.Streamin.Client [1 dependencies]

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C1.AdoNet.QuickBooksOnline [1 dependencies]

C1.AdoNet.QuickBooksOnline is an ADO.NET based data provider for QuickBooks Online.