NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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SQLite.Core.Windows [1 dependencies]

SQLite Core Library for Windows 8.1
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F# 3D Math Library [1 dependencies]

F# 3D Math Library
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XCommon.EF [1 dependencies]

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Testura.Android [1 dependencies]

Testura.Android is a lightweight test automation framework for Android built in C#. It contains tools and help classes to test, validate and interact with your Android device or emulator.
Provides core functionality for WebApiProxy such as Bindings
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SerApi [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Class library for application authentication with Google OAuth2 APIs.
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Plato.NetCore.Async [1 dependencies]

Plato.Async .NET Core library
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kinny-api-core [1 dependencies]

Package Description
Simple CQRS implementation that utilizes the decorator pattern.
Auditory Implementtions Based On Log4Net
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NCaptcha.Targets.Email [1 dependencies]

Captcha in .NET Core
Package Description
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EonLib.IO.Abstractions [1 dependencies]

EonLib. IO base components and abstractions.
Provides AppCore .NET abstractions for hosting.
Package Description
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NKnife.Win [1 dependencies]

Xamarin.Android Binding for Android Navigation Runtime Kotlin Extensions (navigation-runtime-ktx).
Package Description