NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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CrashReporterdotNet [1 dependencies]

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Joomanji.Shared.Core [1 dependencies]

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boost_system-vc90 [1 dependencies]

boost_system-vc90. Compiler: Visual Studio 2008 SP1.
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XCaptcha [1 dependencies]

XCaptcha is an extendable and simple to use framework for creating CAPTCHA images.
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Object [1 dependencies]

Automagically parses (with reflection) an Dictionary/DataRow/DataTable to a custom class of yours.
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Rest API SDK [1 dependencies]

Helper method library with convenient methods to assist with creating more specific web API SDKs.
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CamlBuilder [1 dependencies]

CamlBuilder allows developers to easily write CAML queries without long strings of XML. CAML can be constructed with declarative strongly-typed code.
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MediaDevices [1 dependencies]

API to communicate with MTP / WPD devices like smart phones, tablets and cameras. Documentation included.
My Tested ASP.NET Core MVC configuration components.
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IST.ContextPropagation [1 dependencies]

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Starcounter.Startup [1 dependencies]

Bootstrapping library for Starcounter applications. Highly recommended for new 2.4 projects
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SB.Connectivity.NetMQ.Core [1 dependencies]

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ByteBee.Messaging.Impl [1 dependencies]

Abstractions to build integration service bus to transfer integration events or other objects
Package Description
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Application.Commons [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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DSoft.SharpDX.Desktop [1 dependencies]

Assembly providing APIs related to Desktop platform with support for .Net Core 3.1, .Net framework 4.6.1+ and .NET 5.0+
Package Description