NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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NConfig [1 dependencies]

NConfig is a small library that allows using multi-file, host-based configurations in .Net
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HtmlToJavaScript [1 dependencies]

A .NET library to convert Html to JavaScript.
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MessageRouter.Common [1 dependencies]

Common interfaces and helpers for working with MessageRouter
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lmdb-v120-clean [1 dependencies]

LMDB is an ultra-fast, ultra-compact key-value embedded data store developed by Symas for the OpenLDAP Project.
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Autofac Configuration [1 dependencies]

XML configuration support for Autofac
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SparkGeneric [1 dependencies]

Test dependcy
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boost_date_time-vc80 [1 dependencies]

boost_date_time-vc80. Compiler: Visual Studio 2005 SP1.
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KentorWizard [1 dependencies]

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Tizen.System.Storage [1 dependencies]

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MiX Identity Client [1 dependencies]

The MiX.Identity.Client assembly implements a client library for retrieving authentication tokens from the MiX Identity Server API
Newtonsoft MimeSerializer for the CorAlert.MessageBrokerClient package
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Shuttle.Core.Transactions [1 dependencies]

Transaction adapter.
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Nakama.Mvvm [1 dependencies]

Nakama.Mvvm is a piece of Nakama framework, it provide a bunch of MVVM pattern tools such as BindableModel, ValidatableModel, IsDirty check, Validatadion trhow DataAnnotations and much more
This package provides a C# based durable task framework for writing long running applications.
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BioEngine.BRC.Common [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Ran.Blogging.HttpApi [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Snail.FileStore [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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Com.H.EF.Relational [1 dependencies]

Adds native raw SQL support to EntityFrameworkCore without the need for DbSet.