NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Rebinds parameters in an expression using a given map
基于 EntityFramework 对 Rabbit.Components.Data 的实现。
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ScarletLock.Core [1 dependencies]

A flexible implementation of the Redlock algorithm that can be adapted to work with other data-stores.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for svg-sprite. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
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TopTaoBao [1 dependencies]

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Reusable.Formatter [1 dependencies]

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Handyman.Mediator [1 dependencies]

Mediator implementation for loosely coupled in-process communication.
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NDProperty [1 dependencies]

This Framework provides functionality like WPF DependencyObjects. Supporting value inheritance, change notification and Attached Property’s. Support for binding will follow. Easy to use thanks to code generation. For more information see Project site.
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Jobbie.Executor [1 dependencies]

Provides the ability to execute job schedules.
Utilities and base types for HTTP and HTTPS URI builders and parsers.
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Gcode.Utils [1 dependencies]

Утилиты для работы с файлами формата G-code для платформы .NET
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Aiplugs.Functions [1 dependencies]

A background job library for ASP.NET Core.
1) Unified Concurrency The main mission is to unify usage of heterogeneous synchronization primitives with interface/pattern based Object Oriented approach. Switching between multiple synchronization primitives with one code line change! Agile Development ready solution to synchronization. Easy upgr...
Provides multi-tenant support for ASP.NET Core Identity.
Extensions for DbConnection to provide a simple DAL
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ReusableTasks [1 dependencies]

ReusableTasks is a (nearly) zero allocation Task-like object for use when declaring async methods.
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Birdman.CommonTools [1 dependencies]

Package Description
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GridShared [1 dependencies]

Support library for GridBlazorPlus and GridMvcCorePlus component libraries based on GridBlazor provided by Gustau Navarro @
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C1.AdoNet.GoogleAnalytics [1 dependencies]

C1.AdoNet.GoogleAnalytics is an ADO.NET based data provider for Google Analytics.
Package Description