NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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DependencySort [2 dependencies]

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quickstart.ef.sample [2 dependencies]

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libiconv [2 dependencies]

libiconv homepage:
The SInc Core Library for .NET provides concrete and abstract types for data entity models, caching, common design patterns, application health monitoring, diagnostic classes, and useful extensions and types typically needed or found in every software project that .NET does not provide.
EntityFramework 6 provider for Identity 3.0.
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SerilogTimings [2 dependencies]

Extend Serilog with timed operations.
App Metrics Formatting, formatting metrics data to Graphite formats.
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TeamCity VSTest Adapter [2 dependencies]

Provides an integration with TeamCity for test frameworks. Usage: - Create a test project, for example using the command line: dotnet new xunit - Add the NuGet reference to this package
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Aardvark.UI [2 dependencies]

Aardvark is an open-source platform for visual computing, real-time graphics and visualization.
Provides static methods to support Int128 and UInt128.
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KdSoft.Data.Authentication [2 dependencies]

KdSoft.Data.Authentication Class Library
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Mizan.Platform.EventBus [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Phnx.Data [2 dependencies]

A library for helping manage various volumes of data, including lazy in-memory thread-safe structures, and escaping or unescaping text for storage
Support plugin for Xamarin Forms
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Aspose.Finance for .NET [2 dependencies]

Aspose.Finance is a class library for working with finance related formats, such as XBRL, iXBRL, OFX. It allows developers to create new XBRL, OFX files on ASP.NET web applications, web services and Windows applications. It allows you to open files and manipulate XBRL/iXBRL, OFX, and then export ...
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for Google Play Services library ''. N/A
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CasCap.Common.Extensions [2 dependencies]

Helper library of commonly used extension methods.
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OpenStore.Application [2 dependencies]

Contains application level abstractions and application wide special data structers
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PureDataAccessor [2 dependencies]

The "PureDataAccessor" is a data accesing library which only needs a connection and entity modelling structure for all CRUD operation supports on EF and NHibernate. PDA has UOW and Generic Repository patterns. You can manage your data access only with it.