NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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N2CMS Reusable Parts [2 dependencies]

Common parts that can be re-used across projects.
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FSharpVSPowerTools.Core [2 dependencies]

The core project of Visual F# Power Tools includes IDE-agnostic features intended to be used in different F# IDEs and editors.
MeadCo's ScriptX is the world's favourite Internet Explorer add-on for total control over printing html and pdf documents, labels or bar codes from client and server computers running Microsoft Windows. This package provides the installers to deliver ScriptX to client PCs. Note that other packages ...
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Portable AForge Core [2 dependencies]

Portable AForge Core contains the core types for the AForge.NET Framework on mobile and tablet devices.
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BitPantry.Parsing.Strings [2 dependencies]

A flexible string parsing library.
A storage engine provider for Couchbase Lite .NET that utilizies the ForestDB key-value storage engine
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Platform.Memory [2 dependencies]

LinksPlatform's Platform.Memory Class Library
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Sales4Pro Toolkit Helper [2 dependencies]

Helper for MyCONVENO Sales4Pro.
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NLog Windows Identity [2 dependencies]

NLog.WindowsIdentity provides support for Windows-Identity Lookup and ImpersonatingTarget
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Zero.Identity.AspNetCore [2 dependencies]

Zero Identity is the membership system for building ASP.NET Core web applications, including membership, login, and user data.
The Contensis Delivery API is a client library used for retrieving content from Contensis.
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ScriptingBaseLib [2 dependencies]

Scripting Base Library
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Lexical.Localization [2 dependencies]

Proper localization class library for C#.
Package Description
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Soneta.Start [2 dependencies]

Składnik programu Soneta. Program obsługi firmy: kadry-płace, księgowość, handel, magazyn, CRM, BI ...
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ComposableAsync.Factory [2 dependencies]

EasyActor provides a factory that transforms POCOs in actors that are then seen trougth an interface. Actor guarantees that all calls to the actor interface will occur in a separated thread, sequencially. In order to work, The target interface should only expose methods returning Task or Task. If t...
VNPT iLIS Security Middleware
Package Description
Package Description
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KSociety.Com.EventBus [2 dependencies]

K-Society Com is a full stack framework for .NET 6 application