NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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MetroRadiance [2 dependencies]

Modern WPF Themes
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SSW.Common [2 dependencies]

Set of helper classes, such as logger, exception, helpful extensions.
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Xamarin.Forms.Mocks [2 dependencies]

Library for running Xamarin.Forms inside of unit tests
Xamarin.Android Binding Library - Fresco Drawee
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NServiceBusDdd.Messages [2 dependencies]

Base package for creating messages
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Trezor.Net [2 dependencies]

A cross platform library for communicating with the Satoshi Labs' Trezor Hardware Wallet. Supports Android, UWP, .NET Core and .NET Framework with Hid.Net. Support for other platforms can be added with Hid.Net dependency injection
Helper for getting CDorst's GitHub personal access token information
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VT.Miracle.Utilities [2 dependencies]

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SharpArch.Testing [2 dependencies]

Provides base classes and extension methods to help with testing applications written with Sharp Architecture library.
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Bucket.Logging [2 dependencies]

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Converto [2 dependencies]

A C# library which gives you basic functions for type conversion and object transformation
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NControl.NetCore [2 dependencies]

NControl is a Xamarin.Forms wrapper control built around the NGraphics library enabling developers to create custom controls without the need for custom renderers.
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VoidCore.Model [2 dependencies]

An opinionated core for building business applications.
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commercetools.Sdk.Client [2 dependencies]

This Composable Commerce .NET Core SDK is deprecated effective 1st September 2022. We recommend you to use our new SDK here
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Penguin.Services.Core [2 dependencies]

Core components for future services releases
Biblioteca de funcionalidades para construção de Api.
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KyoshinMonitorLib [2 dependencies]

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Felt.Redactor [2 dependencies]

Common classes to mask sensitive information within structured text.
The Bux.Data extension component. Based on the Bux framework.