NuGet Packages By Dependencies

此程序包包含适用于 ASP.NET SignalR Core 的简体中文附属程序集。
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JustBehave [2 dependencies]

A BDD-influenced C# testing library cooked up by Just Eat
A lot of the useful stuff I've developed over the years distilled down into some sharable libraries. This contains a lot of definitions for P/Invoking Windows UI APIs
boost_unit_test_framework-vc140. Compiler: Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.
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CompuMaster.Data [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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BrightSword.RoslynWrapper [2 dependencies]

F# wrapper for Roslyn CodeGeneration API
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Ondo.Logging.Abstractions [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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LightQuery.Shared [2 dependencies]

This is a shared package. It is not intended for direct reference. It is consumed by the LightQuery and LightQuery.EntityFrameworkCore packages
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Logger.Cocohub [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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BloomFilter.Redis.NetCore [2 dependencies]

A bloom filter implementation
PureServices Client Network Service Ping Library
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Spark.EventBus [2 dependencies]

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AT Service DataLayer [2 dependencies]

Data Layer Library
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AJP.ElasticBand [2 dependencies]

A wrapper around the plain http rest api, i.e. the one the the kibana dev tools uses. Strongly typed, but no dependencies. i.e. does not depend on NEST or newtonsoft.json. It basically only uses only httpClient and the new faster serialisers in System.Text.Json.
ASP.NET Core provides services and middleware for localizing into different languages and cultures. You can create XML, Json concretes as your repository.
json 扩展
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Convey.Docs.Swagger [2 dependencies]

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H.Hooks [2 dependencies]

Contains LowLevelKeyboardHook and LowLevelMouseHook. Features: - Global key handling and cancellation - Allows handling combination like 1 + 2 + 3 - Only one Up event per combination - Handle special buttons like Mouse.XButton - Optimized, runs hooks in a separate thread. Does not cause freezes when...
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C1.Win.C1Schedule.Ja [2 dependencies]

ComponentOne Scheduler for WinForms には、ユーザーが予定を簡単に追加、編集、および管理できるようにする、完全に機能する Outlook スタイルのスケジュールとカレンダーコントロールが含まれています。 【本パッケージは日本語版製品です】