NuGet Packages By Dependencies

Validation Module (Win) / eXpandFramework. To debug in VS enable Source Server support under Tools/Options/Debugging.
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xscaffolding.core [2 dependencies]

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ConfigBrick.Base [2 dependencies]

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Vlc.DotNet.Forms [2 dependencies]

WinForm control that hosts the audio/video capabilities of the VLC libraries.
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Stormpath.Configuration [2 dependencies]

Load Stormpath configuration from various sources.
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System.Resources.Writer [2 dependencies]

Provides classes which write resources to streams in the system-default format. Commonly Used Types: System.Resources.ResourceWriter When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
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Houzkin [2 dependencies]

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GladNet.Engine.Server [2 dependencies]

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EFDbProvider [2 dependencies]

基类。EntityFramework和EntityFrameworkCore的简单封装包。用于仓储的实现,支持MsSql、MySql和SqLite。--更新到ef 6.2 和 ef core 2.1。更新 Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql 到 2.1.1
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FAP.Client.Service [2 dependencies]

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Everest2.Cache [2 dependencies]

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FreeRabbit [2 dependencies]

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SellerCloud.Net.Http [2 dependencies]

Package Description
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Xpand.XAF.Modules.OneView [2 dependencies]

The `OneView` will display one view only with the option to edit the model.
Package Description
A part of the legendary ByteBee-Framework!
Package Description
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WindNight.ParserIp.Core [2 dependencies]

WindNight.ParserIp 核心库, 支持静态方法解析ip
Package Description