NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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Spire.Barcode [2 dependencies]

This is a package of C#, VB.NET Example Project for Spire.BarCode for .NET. Spire.BarCode for .NET is a professional and reliable barcode generation and recognition component. It enables developers to quickly and easily add barcode generation and recognition functionality to their Microsoft .NET ap...
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FSharpVSPowerTools.Core [2 dependencies]

The core project of Visual F# Power Tools includes IDE-agnostic features intended to be used in different F# IDEs and editors.
MeadCo's ScriptX is the world's favourite Internet Explorer add-on for total control over printing html and pdf documents, labels or bar codes from client and server computers running Microsoft Windows. This package provides the installers to deliver ScriptX to client PCs. Note that other packages ...
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BitPantry.Parsing.Strings [2 dependencies]

A flexible string parsing library.
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NextCommon.Http [2 dependencies]

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Sales4Pro Toolkit Helper [2 dependencies]

Helper for MyCONVENO Sales4Pro.
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PayNetCore [2 dependencies]

PayPal for netcore
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ScriptingBaseLib [2 dependencies]

Scripting Base Library
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Lexical.Localization [2 dependencies]

Proper localization class library for C#.
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Inbx.Api.Wrapper [2 dependencies]

Package Description
Package Description
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Soneta.Start [2 dependencies]

Składnik programu Soneta. Program obsługi firmy: kadry-płace, księgowość, handel, magazyn, CRM, BI ...
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.emoji:emoji'.
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LCTCS.GoogleServices [2 dependencies]

LCTCS Google Services
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Penguin.Console [2 dependencies]

Small static class for launching a console application and redirecting the result
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DesperateDevs.Analytics [2 dependencies]

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HS.Log.Core [2 dependencies]

My package description.
Android com.aliyun.iot.aep.sdk.alog for Xamarin.Android
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BlazorFluentUI.BFUToggle [2 dependencies]

Package Description