Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Package Description
API to help simplify, among other things, dynamic data mapping between various data sources and data models.
MAD.NET Reflection Extensions
Biblioteca de funcões comuns do Framework da Softprime
Camada de Domínio do Framework da Softprime
Package Description
MAD.NET Reflection Extensions
JWTs is a simple library for generating and validating JWT tokens and Refresh Tokens. Refresh Tokens are dependent on a database / memory cache and an interface for a simple DAL for storing refresh tokens is included. JWTs can be generated with custom claims, and a DAL is only required when issuing ...
Expression builder class to generate LINQ query expressions dynamically
Object model for working with the FaaSBank Portal API
Advanced collections for .NET
Core models for Endpointer.
A set of DataAnnotations attributes for validations.
A framework for building Atlassian Connect add ons in C# with ASP.NET Core
Slamby.SDK.Net for Slamby.API Service
A client for the Riot Games v4 API. This client is very flexible and configurable, and is designed for real-life use on a multithreaded server.
MGR.CommandLineParser is a multi-command line parser. It uses System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations to declare the commands.
A comprehensive C# API wrapper library for accessing, using XML or JSON to read/write widget data easily using strong-typed models