Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Support for creating System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM) filters.
Engineering Tools
Package Description
支付通用库。 官方网址: 开源库地址: 公众号:麦扣聊技术 博客地址: 交流QQ群:85318032
支付通用库。 官方网址: 开源库地址: 公众号:麦扣聊技术 博客地址: 交流QQ群:85318032
Sop.Spider a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
Extensions to the JsonStringEnumConverter which supports attributes like EnumMember, Display and Description.
NLog Adapter for NTrace
The DC Services .NET SDK provides APIs for creating, combining, and exporting PDFs. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.6+ - .NETStandard2.0, providing .NET Core support
App Impact Core Abstractions library.
App Impact Data Access Library.
RabbitMQ HTTP API Client for .netCore, tested with v3.7.x of RabbitMQ
Library that provides all the data model use by CasparCG Server.
Added Method for evaluating mathematical expression in string
Extend your IDbConnection with high-performance bulk operations Features: BulkInsert, BulkDelete, BulkUpdate, BulkMerge, and more! Support: SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite;ORM framework Sub-database Sub-table, Read-write Separation, Master-slave delay, Distributed cache Include free and prime features.
Package Description
Smart.Web 使用方法: (在Global.asax.cs文件Application_Start方法添加如下代码) //全局封装webapi的返回结果如:{"Code":500,"Data":null,"Message":"尝试除以零。","Success":false} GlobalConfiguration.Configure(Smart.Web.SmartWeb.InitAPIResultAttribute); //全局异常处理 GlobalConfiguration.Configure(Smart.Web.SmartWeb.InitApiExceptionHand...