Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

Package Description
import excel filt to entity
+ Cryptography Helper + String Helper + Vietnamese currency reader + DateTimeHelper + File Helper + Enum Helper
Client library to generate pdf documents and images from pdf documents using the api.
NosCore's Dao
Useful Linq extension methods for netstandard 2.0.
NosCore's Packets (Nostale packets) defined over classes
A few attributes and interfaces I use for SQL DDL generation and model class development
change by omid
Ivvy.Subscriptions makes it easy to consume subscription notification messages from the iVvy platform.
ReleaseNotesHub Repository Domain Objects
ReleaseNotesHub Domain Objects
Simple data structures which were inspired by Pulsar project
Migration to .Net Standard of the "MVC Foolproof Validation" library, for models consumed from both Core and .Net Framework applications. Subsequently, it omits MVC validation.
A collection of helper methods and classes for .NET that I use every day. I have packed them in a single library to avoid code duplication.