Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.ComponentModel.Annotations

Total dependencies: 2861

An abstraction layer over Dapper. Includes CRUD operations and unit of work support
Utility classes and methods for wpf applications
This assembly contains all contracts to use the Survalyzer Public API from a .NET language.
Package Description
FhirKhit tools for Fhir STU 3
An elegant and simple way to declare your queries and mutations.
Base types for App Store Connect adapters.
Contains the core models used by MyMipsScore
FeatureToggles library.
Classes to generate Excel Report in ASP.NET
A package that helps to create expressions dynamically for unknown type
Abbotware Core Libraries
Abstract and base classes for a Dapper-based platform-neutral CRUD library
Package Description
A database schema diff library for .NET assemblies and SQL Server databases using AO.Models
Presentation infrastructure layer of BSN.Commons library for enterprise application.
Core types needed to connect to the Runly API and run Runly jobs.
Certificate Manager is a package which makes it easy to create certificates (chained and self signed) which can be used to in client server authentication and IoT Devices like Azure IoT Hub
Package Description