Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

This small package contains XUnit extensions: AutoNSubstituteDataAttribute and InlineAutoNSubstituteDataAttribute.
This package contains classes to calculate a racetrack from one point two another using a minimum turncircle.
This package contains the Aco service.
This package contains common classes used by Selkie services.
This package contains the Racetrack service.
This package contains an Ant Colony Optimazation algorithm to find the shortest path for running survey lines.
The package contains common classes and interfaces to replace some .Net classes: IRandom, IDateTime, ITimer, ITimerFactory, IDisposer and ISelkieConsole.
Some small extensions and installers for EasyNetQ.
This package contains classes for 2D geometry calculations. It defines primitves, shapes and calculators.
manger center of apps----liuqiao
This package contains aspect oriented programming extensions for the Selkie project.
This package contains the Lines service.
Nuget Package for Ingeniux InSite Search
Some default implementations of the Stardust interfaces
PDF can be made by simply returning return new PdfResult() in ASP.NET MVC which will show a PDF in the browser or you can use PdfBytes class to get html converted to pdf bytes . There are multiple overloads available for you to select an data object or a action other than your current o...
biz.dfch.CS.Entity.LifeCycleManager ============================== Allows managing the lifecycle of entities. Supports pre- and post-callouts/hooks. Internally the LifeCycleManager uses the [biz.dfch.CS.StateMachine]( ## License Information ...
biz.dfch.CS.Entity.LifeCycleManager.Extensions.Default ============================== Default MEF extensions for biz.dfch.CS.Entity.LifeCycleManager
A long description of the package. This shows up in the right pane of the Add Package Dialog as well as in the Package Manager Console when listing packages using the Get-Package command.
PageObject Style Framework On top of Selenium WebDriver
Un Paquete que crea un applicacion MVC con IDentity 2.x