Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

.net 常用功能封装
log4net integration.
The CrispyWaffle Log4Net bridge package
Enferno Public Logging.
GELF log4net appenders
A library for making logging super easy is .net version of gbay which has supports for: * Digital Signing * Verification and authentication * Certificate detail information extracting * Smart cards and tokens managment * File Encryption * Token and smart card status detection (detect if device is removed or edited) * PC/SC devic...
This is a IoC container based on Dependency Injection. As dependencies are controlled with attributes, you do not need any code to register, lookup, or wire object instances. It is self contained by defining attributes in your classes. Configuration can also be externalized with a declarative XML c...
nCode Core
Logary is a high performance, multi-target logging, metric and health-check library for mono and .Net.
HTTP client for PowerMeter devices
Infobip library for sending SMS, retrieving inbound messages, HLR...
Classes needed by cell controllers to send asychronous messages to the Orchestrator
.NET library for communication with the RefInt NP server.
OSharp Log4Net日志组件,提供基于Log4Net的基础日志记录功能的封装
NHBaseAPI is an HBase API based completely on .NET platform. Internally it uses the interface under the Thrift protocol to communicate with HBase. As an API based completely on .NET platform, we deliberately preserve the multi-platform feature within it, which means developers can use the API on Mon...