Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Apache log4net

Total dependencies: 3011

Pull Data from file, web, sql => do some process => storage, Developer can easy to extend the framework by define own nodes in the pipeline.
Zed.NHibernate is a library for NHibernate support
A Log Bridge for Log4Net.
The Crawler-Lib Service Base is a foundation for the development of Windows Services, Cloud Services and Linux Daemons.
NDbGate is an object relational mapping framework. What it differs from other ORM frameworks is that it gives the complete control over how the persistence/retrieval takes place at entity level. This is achieved by means of overriding/implementing methods provided in the base entity classes.
Terradue.OpenSearch.Kml is a plugin for Terradue.OpenSearch library targeting .NET 4.0 and above that provides an easy way to perform OpenSearch query for KML format
With the SDK of SharePoint Code Analysis Framework (SPCAF) custom rules, metrics etc. can be created.
Isla offers niceness built on Castle Winsor
Azure Table Storage provider for ASP.NET Identity 2.0
Provides logging (using log4net) and exception handling classes used by SharpArchContrib.Castle and SharpArchContrib.Postsharp. Also contains interfaces for adding multi tenancy data access to a sharp architecture project.
Provides a ThreadSafeSessionStorage that enables using SharpArchitecture outside a web project. Also provides classes for managing NHibernate transactions and units of work that are used by SharpArchContrib.Castle and SharpArchContrib.Postsharp attributes.
Log4net logging extension for MugenInjection.
Provides logging functionality with log4net for bbv.Common.IO. bbv.Common.IO.Log4Net is a part of bbv.Common, a library of .NET components and functionality including: * (a)synchronous notification component with thread switching using publisher-subscriber pattern, * hierarchical state ...
log4net logging extension for bbv.Common.StateMachine. bbv.Common.StateMachine is a part of bbv.Common, a library of .NET components and functionality including: * (a)synchronous notification component with thread switching using publisher-subscriber pattern, * hierarchical state machin...
The NHibernate Facility enables the usage of NHibernate O/R framework for your components.
MVC Turbine blade for NServiceBus. Allows the easy integration of NServiceBus into any MVC Turbine enabled application.